To provide medical and foster care to animals and birds that cannot be treated onsite.
Why did we do it?
Sparsh runs an onsite and an emergency care service but from time to time we come across animals and birds that require to be admitted for medical care or fostering as they are too young to fend for themselves.
What did we do?
When an animal or bird is rescued, we seek medical or surgical opinion from qualified and experienced vets. Once the line of treatment is arrived upon, depending on the species, we either provide foster care ourselves or work with another organisation who has the appropriate infrastructure to provide foster care and attend to the animals/birds medical needs as well. Species specific nutrition and cage enrichment is provided during this period with regular follow up with the attending vet. Every effort is made to rehabilitate the animals/birds to its natural surroundings and they are released back only after the release is medically approved. During the period the animals/birds are under our care we vaccinate them as well (if applicable). Foster care facilities of other organizations are also funded if required or necessary.
Through our efforts and collaborations with other organisations we have reached out to a larger number of animals and birds belonging to different species. We have successfully fostered animals/birds, through surgeries and medical conditions, until they are healthy, thereby enabling them to live a healthy, complete and free life.